MX riders react to tax exemption

Local riders have reacted to a recent government declaration to exempt taxes on racing bikes with several expressing their appreciation to the decision.

Arthur Blick, a ten-time motocross champion says the exemption will go a long way in improving the quality and skills of local riders.

“It is a decision that we have always asked for. We are thankful to the government and also our federation heads that pushed of this.

“Motocross is a fast-developing sport and it needed something like this to help us grow.

“Hopefully now we can have many more riders coming through,“ said Arthur.

Abdul Kateete of 444 Racing added his voice too.

“I have about four riders and we have to get the latest bikes every year. They are expensive. At least now we can get the latest bikes and not suffer with the high costs,” he said.

Previously, anybody importing a racing bike would have to pay several taxes that included; import duty, environment levy, withholding Tax and VAT.

All taxes have now been scrapped.

The exemption takes effect starting 1st July 2018.