Rwanda experience will be key – Kakaire

The Mountain Gorilla rally in Rwanda has over the years continued to attract new entrants from across the borders, with many Ugandans being part of it each year.

This year is no exception.

Uganda’s Peter Kakaire will be among the those on their first outing in Kigali for the July 31st-August 1st event.

Kakaire is looking forward to making the most of the Rwanda Rally experience.

“I am going out to get proper experience on a foreign land, getting used to the competition and pressure involved in such big events,” he tells kawowo sports.

The Eastern Motor Club driver adds that driving in Rwanda will provide even better preparation for the Pearl of Africa rally later in August.

“Rwanda will prepare me for pearl. If we use it to compete and judge ourselves, it will give us better impetus to attack in pearl.”

Kakaire will have Edward Kiyingi calling the pace notes in their Subaru Impreza N10.

And beyond just competing in Rwanda, he is optimistic of a good placing at the end of the rally.

“Am just looking out for the good finish in our first outing, it will be a good achievement.”

A host of other Ugandan drivers have confirmed participation in Rwanda’s biggest event.

Andrew Desh Kananura, Wilber Pole Pole, Jon Consta, Musa Kabega, Ortega Ismail, Fred Busulwa, Edson Mungyereza, Christakis Fitidis will all fly the Ugandan flag.

The Mountain Gorilla rally will for the first time run on two days with a super special stage at Nyamata on Friday 31st.